The Garden was quiet. Daylight was fading. The sun was slowly sliding towards the horizon. Resplendent beauty radiated from every corner of the Garden. However, the Creator was oblivious to the grandeur around Him. He stood alone in this plot of paradise for the first time since He had created Man. No one greeted Him that day as He entered. No outstretched hands welcomed Him. No glittering eyes waited eagerly to share the events of the day. The curse of sin had fallen, like a guillotine; severing the innocent, loving relationship between Man and Maker. It was a sad day. Communion was shattered. The Garden would never be the same. Gone were the brilliant mornings, filled with wonder. Gone were the timeless evenings of fellowship. Adam and Eve were banished and could never return. In fact the Garden stood empty for years. The Garden was quiet. Daylight was fading. The sun was slowly sliding towards the horizon...
A place to share insights, outlook, impressions from God's word... and issues of the heart.