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Showing posts from 2022

Peace is the Umpire!

I recently discovered a new decision-making process. It seemed so practical - so I tucked the thought away in my mind.  A few days later, I read confirmation from the word! So, I used this method and it worked!  Let me share it with you:  This is the formula I found for decisions you need to make; or opportunities to consider.  Step One:  Write out the decision you need to make in your journal or on a notepad. Step Two: How do you feel when you think about accepting the opportunity? Think about saying “Yes, I'm going to do this”. Write out how this thought makes you feel. Step Three: How do you feel when you think about not accepting that opportunity, not going forward? Write out how you feel when you consider just backing off and saying “No, I’m not going to do this”. Step Four: Which of those decisions brought you peace when you considered your answer? My daily Bible reading brought me the following confirmation to use with these steps! Colossians 3:15 GNT The peace that Christ g

One Small Change

Do you feel overwhelmed?  Are you drowning in bad habits, health issues, or calendar chaos - and have no idea where to go for help? Every person has a life assignment; a special purpose no one else can accomplish.  Would you like to know what that purpose is? It’s not complicated or mysterious. It’s simple…  Your #1 purpose for your life is to be the caretaker of God's masterpiece - “You”.  This job is yours alone. No one else knows when you are tired, thirsty, or hungry; stressed, worried, or vulnerable. You control the level of chaos you tolerate, and you determine the quality of your life and relationships.  Unfortunately, many of us ignore the signals sent by our body; and tend to push through in high gear; but eventually, burnout hits in the form of a health crisis or a mental break.  Are you showing signs of burnout? Psychology Today says  symptoms may include: Chronic fatigue and insomnia Lack of motivation Frustration, cynicism, and detachment Forgetfulness, l