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Showing posts from November, 2008

A Grateful Heart

Its Thanksgiving week and I have loads of things to do - however, I've chosen to pause the preparations and voice my gratefulness. I am thankful for my family. My parents are my heroes and the best role models any girl could hope for. I am thankful they are still with us this holiday - maybe not in perfect health... but definitely "well" and in good spirits! If I can become half the person they believe I am... I'll be one awesome woman. They have always been my number one cheering section. They have helped me to believe that nothing is impossible for me if God is in it. My sisters and my brother are so precious to me. We will all be together this week and I feel like a little girl on my way to Grandma's house! We have so much fun together - especially with all of our wild and wonderful children and grandchildren. This year has been different. Storms have raged in my family's life. My sister's youngest daughter committed suicide; and yet peace reigns. Cance

Ribbons of Blue Day Conference 2008 Report

Saturday was our fourth annual Ribbons of Blue Day Conference. About 200 girls and ladies came - a little less than what we normally have - but a beautiful crowd. Normally, ROB is held in July, so this rainy, fall morning was quite a different setting. After a fired-up DOZ prayer time, we split up for our morning session (Ribbons and Fringes) - with ages 5-12 in the gym and the teens and adults in the sanctuary. In the gym the girls enjoyed a story-time re-enactment of my children's book; "Chloe's Ribbons of Blue"... music, games, relays and a wild-hair contest. We wanted them to see how fun it is to be holy, godly and seperate... and to realize that there are lots of other Apostolic girls - just like them - wearing their "Ribbons of Blue" with dignity and boldness! In the sanctuary we had small group discussion - and then eight attending pastor's wives gave their advice to the "real-life" scenarios we had just discussed. Ladies love giving ad