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One Small Change

Do you feel overwhelmed? 
Are you drowning in bad habits, health issues, or calendar chaos - and have no idea where to go for help?
Every person has a life assignment; a special purpose no one else can accomplish. 
Would you like to know what that purpose is? It’s not complicated or mysterious. It’s simple… 
Your #1 purpose for your life is to be the caretaker of God's masterpiece - “You”. 
This job is yours alone. No one else knows when you are tired, thirsty, or hungry; stressed, worried, or vulnerable. You control the level of chaos you tolerate, and you determine the quality of your life and relationships. 
Unfortunately, many of us ignore the signals sent by our body; and tend to push through in high gear; but eventually, burnout hits in the form of a health crisis or a mental break. 
Are you showing signs of burnout? Psychology Today says 
symptoms may include:
Chronic fatigue and insomnia
Lack of motivation
Frustration, cynicism, and detachment
Forgetfulness, lack of focus, 
difficulty concentrating
Relationship problems - 
conflict and confrontation or 
withdrawal and shut-down
Unhealthy lifestyle - anxiety
Unsatisfied with life in general - 
anger and depression
Health issues - (chronic stress can 
create digestive issues, 
heart disease, and depression)

We are three-part beings. Thessalonians 5:23 speaks of us being wholly sanctified - and that our whole spirit and soul and body be preserved. 
    • Spirit (spiritual)
    • Soul (mind-emotions-personality)
    • Body (physical)
Being a good caretaker of each of these parts will bring wholeness and health, as well as a peaceful, harmonious life. In burnout - just thinking about making changes can be overwhelming, especially if you see an imbalance in all three areas of your life. 
To prevent overwhelm, think of ONE change you can make towards health and wholeness. How can you step up and take charge; break bad habits and create new ones?
    • It has been said that breaking a bad habit - or making a new habit - takes 21 days. JB Fogg invented habit stacking. If you want to create a new habit more quickly, you can combine it with a current habit and it will be easier to incorporate.  If you’re interested in learning more about Fogg’s Tiny Habits Method go to: 
    • An example of habit stacking could be: 
      • “When I come home and take off my work shoes, I will immediately change into my workout clothes.”
      • “When I brush my teeth, I will drink 16 ounces of water." 
One Small Spiritual Change
    • Making one small change in your morning or evening routine can be a strategic decision. 
    • Consider incorporating a small block of prayer and meditation at the beginning of your day. 
    • Before you check your phone or emails - take 15-30 minutes to open your Bible - pray and center your spirit.
One Small Emotional Change
    • Work on how you respond to conflict or chaos. Don’t give emotional control to someone else by allowing them to "put" you in a bad mood, or "let" them ruin your day. 
    • Although we cannot control what happens to us, we can control our response.
        Are you a thermostat or a                           thermometer?
      • A thermostat controls the temperature of a room. 
      • A thermometer registers the temperature. 
      • We can be in control of our emotions - Instead of just registering the temperature of life like a thermometer - we can adjust the atmosphere and take charge of our mental space. 
      • Decide to be the boss of your emotions for ONE day!
One Small Physical Change
    • The physical health of our bodies is affected by how deeply we breathe, what we eat and drink, our movement, and our quality of sleep. Every goal is met one step at a time, implementing small changes over time. 
    • One small change in our eating habits can stimulate liver health. This organ has between 500 to 1,000 functions in the body; even while we sleep our entire blood supply is filtered every 4 minutes through our liver. Liver cells are completely replaced every 90 days! Amazingly, in three months, you can turn your life around with one small change.
      • Trade one meal each day for a healthy green smoothie.
      • Remove whites from your diet (sugar, pasta, bread)
      • Stop eating 3 hours before bedtime.
      • Try intermittent fasting for 5 days. (ie: Start with fasting from 6pm supper until 12pm lunch the next day)
      • Have a set bedtime and set an alarm for 1 hour prior, to cue you to prepare for bed. Turn off electronics 30 - 60 minutes prior to bedtime. Read - Relax - Pray.

Make one small change and your body, soul and spirit will show gratitude by becoming more loving, healthy, and whole. Only you can take care of you. One small change at a time. 


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