I Will seek Gods face early each day
I Will not do anything else until I have connected with Him
I Will keep His Word as my first read of every day
I will not check email, messages, or social network until I have read deeply of His book
I Will dream big
I Will not feel unworthy of my dreams
I Will work to see my dreams fulfilled
I Will not wait for them to materialize magically
I Will stop making excuses
I Will take responsibility for where I am - who I am - what I am not - and why I am not where I want to be
I Will start now
I Will not procrastinate
I Will eat healthy
I Will not be unkind to my body by eating unhealthy
I Will set and meet my exercise goals
I Will not put off exercise another day
I Will schedule my life around my priorities
I Will not fit my priorities into my schedule
I Will live in Gratitude and Abundance
I Will not give up or give in