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In A Dream...

I have always been amazed by the story of King Solomon - especially his request for "Wisdom" while God's omnipotent hand was outstretched to him. He could have asked for many things - but he asked for wisdom.

I've often measured myself and my ambitions against this moment in Solomon's saga.
(What would I ask God for if I heard His same request?)

Recently, as I was reading my daily chapter block - on my "Bible in a Year" app - I found myself lost again in Solomon's story. The words were so familiar to me - as I have read them dozens of times. However, I read a portion in I Kings 3:5 that I have evidently not digested before - or perhaps the translation I am reading made it more obvious - but I was stunned nonetheless! (The Word of God often does this to me - because it is Alive! It doesn't change - but it changes me - therefore I see new and wonderful things each time I read it!)

The background here ... Solomon has shown his love for the LORD by following after the heart of his father King David - and has gone up to the most honored and holy place to worship God (Gibeon) - where Solomon has offered a thousand burnt offerings on the altar.

Now - here's what caught my attention... That night - at Gibeon - the LORD appeared to Solomon during the night IN A DREAM - which is when God said, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you."

For some reason - I always imagined God appearing to Solomon there on the mountain - as he finished offering the one thousand sacrifices. I never caught the fact that God communicated with Solomon later - and that Solomon was actually DREAMING!

I know this was a divine dream - which was one way that God spoke to His prophets in that day... but this little nugget has resonated with me every since I read it. I can't stop thinking about it!

I can imagine Solomon - sleeping the exhausted sleep of a man who has poured out his heart and soul to God. His sacrifice was so extravagant - it no longer qualified as sacrifice - but had entered the realm of worship. Worship on a new level - a greater dimension than anyone had ever worshipped.

His sleep was deep and peaceful. His soul was in complete harmony with his maker and his rest was magnificent and perfect.

And then...

As he slept - God's purpose intersected with Solomon's passion.
As he slept - God invaded his dreams and granted Solomon's heart's desire.

Here's what I have pondered...

What am I this passionate about?
What am I dreaming about?
Are my dreams worthy of God's invasion?
Are my dreams capable of intersecting with God's purpose?

Webster's definition of the word DREAM:
: a series of thoughts, visions, or feelings that happen during sleep
: a strongly desired goal or purpose

My summary of this pondering...

When my passion intersects with God's purpose for my life - my dreams will be invaded by His presence - He will speak to me - and grant me the desires/dreams of my heart.

Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart" ESV


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