Everybody needs a hero!
My family and I are blessed to live in a community rich in hero heritage! We should never forget to thank these incredible men and women for their service.
But what about us?
Wouldn’t YOU like to save the day for once? We can!
Even if we are not in the military, a public servant or a first responder; we can all be of service to our family and community. Without signing a contract or a legal agreement; you can make a difference today.
If someone holds the door for you - smile, and say, “Thank You”.
Throughout your day, when you see someone making an effort; smile and tell them they are doing a great job.
If you see a funeral procession or an emergency vehicle on the highway;
carefully pull over and show respect to the situation, saying a prayer for all involved, while you wait.
Give verbal acknowledgement to those you love and cherish. Smile, and tell your family and friends often how valuable they are to you.
You possess skills that are worth teaching to someone. Teach a teenager
how to change a tire and check the oil in the car. Take time to share a money-saving tip with a young mother (with a smile!).
Pass it forward. If you have been blessed with extra: buy coffee for a stranger; buy paper and cleaning supplies for an elderly friend; grab a $25 gift card and give it to the first person you see who has a baby in diapers. This will definitely generate a smile!
Speak into someone’s life. Use your words to promote and empower someone every day. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. It’s surprisingly easier to critique than to compliment. Make it a habit to smile and say, “I believe in you. I believe in your dreams. You are amazing and you can do anything you set your mind to do. You’ve got this!”
Thank you for your SERVICE! You are a world-changing Hero!
(Written in honor of our Veterans - who served our country - so that I could live in peace.)