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Get Your Big Girl Panties On And Deal With It!


We need to have a discussion - one of those "tough love" momma talks.

You have outgrown the age of blaming and making excuses for

who you are - where you are - what you've got - and how you are coping.

When are you going to change?

You get to choose! 

I am here to motivate you, precious!

It's time to get your big girl panties on -

and take ownership of your happy, your healthy, and your holy.

It's not someone else's job.

You have made choices - and continue making choices - that determine how your life is going.

No one is coming to save you.

He already came - Jesus lived and died to give you freedom of choice.

It's time to stop the excuses and end the blame game;

Find a mirror - and look yourself in the face.

Say, "You've got this girl... one choice at a time!"

You can choose to be happy!

Smile. Love. Choose to forgive.

You can choose to be healthy.

Move. Hydrate. Choose to eat good food.

You can choose to be holy.

Pray. Read your Bible. Choose to speak life.

You can do this!

You are stronger on your worst day -

when you are making the right choices,

than you are on your best day -

when you choose to make excuses and blame someone else for your failures.

Ultimately, you can't control anyone in this world, but you can control your decisions.

Life happens. Bad things happen. Good things happen.

YOU choose your response. YOU choose your attitude.

YOU choose.


"See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil."

Deuteronomy 30:15

"What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?"

Romans 8:31


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