I found this note in my Face Book Notes from 2011 - and decided to share it here on my Blog:
Jesus cares about whatever is pestering us - or scaring us - or annoying us! He proved this to me today.
I had a 1:30 doctor's appointment - so I headed out at around 1:00 in my Honda Odyssey. I had barely got on the highway and this enormous horsefly buzzed by my head and landed on my jacket. Screaming - and trying to pay attention to traffic - I pulled into the turning lane... stopped and tried to shew him out the window. No such luck. He flew to the back of the van. I was right by our church - so I pulled in - opened up all the windows and doors and tried to find this ginormous fly. I couldn't see him - so I was hoping he had flown away. I had to keep my appointment - so I got back in the van. Less than a mile up the road - he dive bombed my head again and I could hear him buzzing behind my seat. I am freaking out by now... and pull off as soon as I can - safely... I opened up the windows and doors again - praying. I needed to SEE this fly leave my van... but he was nowhere to be found! I looked at my watch and realized I had spent twenty minutes trying to excavate the horse fly - and now had ten minutes to get to the other side of Fayetteville. (I called to let them know I was running late ) With tears in my eyes, I got back in the van. I left the windows down and started driving. I was so afraid that when I got into heavy traffic that fly would land on me and cause me to wreck and hurt somebody! I felt like bawling - but all of a sudden - I got MAD! Mad at the devil! I prayed out loud "God- you are the Lord of all things - and you have power over everything - even this fly! Satan thinks that because he is Beelzebub that "he" is lord of the flies - but YOU have the power to destroy him! Now I need you to let me SEE this fly either die or leave my van so that I can have peace and drive safely." I prayed with so much confidence and faith - and I was somehow able to drive without worrying. When I got to a red light near the doctor's office - I looked around to see if the fly was visible - and to my surprise - there he laid in the bottom compartment of my driver's door - all of his hairy legs sticking straight up in the air - DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! I grabbed a napkin and threw him out the window! Then I had a praise break! This incident just reminded me that God CARES! And I want to remind YOU - that He is concerned with whatever concerns His children. Even if its just a silly old lady scared of a horsefly!